TN Republican State Executive Committee District 5, 6 and 7 Tomorrow August 4, 2022

Tomorrow Thursday August 4, 2022 is the County General Election and the TN and Federal Primaries. On the ballot in all 33 State Senate Districts is the Republican State Executive Committee Man and Woman positions. One Man and One Woman from each State Senate district. We (because since 8/14/2021, I have been Committeeman for District 6) are the “Board of Directors” of the state party. Read the actual TN Republican Party bylaws here, where the details of the SEC reside.

So let’s look at the options. In District 6 the district TN State Senator Becky Duncan Massey serves.

Jane Chedester is unopposed on the ballot for Committeewoman.

I am being challenged by Sam Maynard and Randy Pace. I have been a resident of district 6 since 1973 and active in Republican politics since 1982.

In District 7 where Senator Dr. Richard Briggs serves.

The Committeewoman candidates are Karen Brown, a former Committeewoman and Janis Crye, Knox County Republican Party Treasurer.

The Committeeman candidates are Dr. Leonard Brown, Rob Gray, Kent Morrell and Wayne Sellars, longtime President of the Concord Farragut Republican Club.

In District 5 which includes Loudon, Anderson and part of Knox County and is served by Lt. Governor Randy McNally.

The Committeewoman is Amy Jones and she is being challenged by Terry Frank, Anderson County Mayor.

The Committeeman is Scott Smith and he is being challenged by Tim Hutchison, Knox County Sheriff.

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